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W03 – Energy management best practices

Improving energy efficiency is a primary objective of European Commission policies and it is a great way to lower costs and better the environmental performance of industrial and building sectors. Knowledge of consumption levels and margins of improvements represents the foundation from which proper targets can be set. This workshop identifies the main steps needed to implement an energy management system. It also presents the best practices in curbing the wastage of resources. The workshop is divided into the following sections:

  • European and national legislative framework
  • Standard ISO 50001
  • Energy audits
  • Energy consumption analysis and development of energy models
  • Monitoring systems and performance index

The course also includes specific sections focused on industrial or building sectors, depending on participants’ requirements. Duration and contents can be customised and adapted according to any individual’s needs.

Contact us here to require additional information and the workshop price.
By 2 business day, your request will be processed and you’ll receive our best offer, aligned with your request and needs.

  • Marco Zanetto
  • Mauro Roglieri
  • working hours to complete customizable according to student needs
    course fee depending on number of hours
    availability immediate
    enrolment shop