Starting from an analysis of ineffectiveness of Emission Trading Scheme, whose birth and development are well described and detailed in the first part of the book, the author proposes the incorporation of CO2 in consumed goods whereas than in production processes, in order to give a solution to the common and widespread distorted belief of a virtuous Europe vs a polluting China. The proposed thesis considers the greenhouse gases emissions as a component of goods and services in the same way of raw materials. They would become an industrial cost to be fully included in the final price paid by consumers, independently of the Country where they are made. Giving a monetary value to the carbon content of products, represents one of the alternatives, together with ‘carbon tax’, to the criticized EU-Emissions Trading System, started in 2005 as actuation of the 2003/87/EC Directive. Innovative and interesting book that you should look into. Published in English by Elsevier Science as a translation of the original Italian version (Italian title: CO2 nei beni e competitività industriale europea) with preface by Tullio Fanelli, the volume has been presented to the European Parliament.
The author
Since 2008, Agime Gerbeti lends her work as a senior expert at GSE. She has participated as a representative for Italy to international technical negotiation tables and collaborated on several business missions. For the Treccani Institute Italian Encyclopedia, Appendix IX, she drew up the entries, a unique signature: Environmental Markets, Energy Markets, the Kyoto Protocol, the national electricity system.
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