
Master RIDEF 2.0 Reinventing the energy

Launched in 2003, the Master RIDEF 2.0 Reinventing the energy. Renewable, Decentralization, Efficiency, Strong Sustainability is part of the training of the Energy Department of the Politecnico of Milano. The Master provides educational training about issues and innovative topics related to the energy: zero-energy buildings, techniques and building systems solutions, smart networks and grids, and […]


A guide to Climate Change

Are you interested in knowing what’s behind climate change? Which are the impacts and the possible solutions? EPA, US – Environmental Protection Agency, has developed a quick and interactive guide made of videos, animations and dynamic presentations that allows you to explore in detail these issues. See the free course page and start the discovery.


Scala Mercalli

Scala Mercalli is a journey through the big environmental issues threatening our planet, a series production which explains both causes and possible solutions to fight and mitigate climate change. In the 2015 season, Luca Mercalli describes climate change through its various manifestations: melting glaciers, droughts and heat waves, floods and hurricanes. In each episode, international […]


Years of living dangerously

From the damage wrought by Hurricane Sandy to the upheaval caused by drought in the Middle East, this groundbreaking documentary event series, produced by National Geographic, provides first-hand reports on those affected by, and seeking solutions to, climate change. Click here to watch the premiere episode of first season.


A Symphony for Energy: CO2 in goods

Starting from an analysis of ineffectiveness of Emission Trading Scheme, whose birth and development are well described and detailed in the first part of the book, the author proposes the incorporation of CO2 in consumed goods whereas than in production processes, in order to give a solution to the common and widespread distorted belief of […]


2°C Innovazioni radicali per vincere la sfida del clima e trasformare l’economia

Cambiamenti climatici, perdita di biodiversità, inquinamento, scarsità di fonti fossili e di materie prime, crescita della popolazione e dei consumi, sono solo alcune delle questioni che il nostro tempo è chiamato ad affrontare. Nonostante la spesso inefficace azione dei policy maker e le resistenze di alcuni settori industriali, il mercato ha già iniziato a dare […]

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Workshop ‘Technologies for energy efficiency’ for Venice Port Authority

As part of an assignment from Venice Port Authority, MR Energy Systems developed and organized the workshop ‘Technologies for energy efficiency‘, the second of a series of events and initiatives that the Port Authority programmed for the managers of the port operators, as part of the Greeneberth project, co-financed by ERDF under the MED Programme. Important terminal and logistic operators […]